Fall Fun Here Sept. 22
Sep 18, 2024 12:59PM ● By Angela UnderwoodThe Yuba City Fall Festival offers free family fun with activities, crafts and more. Photo courtesy of Yuba City
YUBA CITY, CA (MPG) - Like many, Yuba City Mayor Shon Harris said fall is his favorite time of year.
The upcoming Yuba City Fall Festival is one reason.
“Take part in the many activities as we celebrate the season, the beginning of some very welcome cooler weather, fall colors and pumpkin pie,” Harris said of this Saturday's event. “Just like previous years, Yuba City's 2024 Fall Festival will be an exciting and fun family friendly time.”
For fall fun, let's begin with the festival's pumpkin and scarecrow-making contest, which, according to Community Services administrative assistant Maddy Laffond, is still open for entry, with submissions entered by Sept. 21 to [email protected].
“All entries will be on display during the festival and be voted on to win,” Laffond said of the competition that awards gift cards for Parks & Recreation and Bishop's Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland, famous for its corn maze, carousel, sunflower stroll and petting zoo.
While the pumpkin contest offers individual entries, the scarecrow-making contest is open to teams, families or larger groups.
“There will also be a couple of guessing games where you can win more prizes,” Laffond said.
Mayor Harris encourages residents to get to know one another at the event.
“Come out and enjoy this special time of year as a family and as a community,” Harris said. “Festivals such as this are what make Yuba City a special place to call home.”
One of the best parts of the festival is that it is free.
The Yuba City Fall Festival poster includes all the details of the upcoming Sept. 22 event. Photo courtesy of Yuba City
“The event is paid for by our community event budget that is approved by the City Council,” Laffond said. “We also get donations when possible.”
The budget and donations help provide gratis carnival games, crafts, face painting, and a bounce house and slide. However, food and drinks must be purchased.
Speaking of donations, in awareness of September as Hunger Awareness and Action month, Laffond said the festival is also a way to give back.
“To help with Hunger Action Month, we are also holding a food drive at the Fall Festival,” Laffond said, adding that all who donate will have a chance to win a Parks & Recreation gift card. “There will be a spot to drop off non-perishable canned and packaged food.”
City Manager Diana Langley said Yuba City “does a fabulous job serving the community.”
“As part of September as Hunger Awareness Month, the Plumas Street water tower will be illuminated with orange lighting at night,” Langley said.
If you are in the mood for fall and love in Yuba City, Sept. 22 is the day to celebrate both.
“We want to provide a fun, free event where families can spend time together with other members of the community,” Laffond said.
The Fall Festival will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 22 at Gauche Aquatic Park, 421 C St., Yuba City.