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Territorial Dispatch

Consent Agenda Items Tally $22,000

Sep 25, 2024 12:44PM ● By Angela Underwood

MARYSVILLE, CA (MPG) - It was business as usual at the Sept. 17 regularly scheduled Marysville City Council meeting.

City Council met for less than 30 minutes with little business to conduct, except for the new City Clerk Nadine Sims’ swearing-in. Mayor Chris Branscum asked the new employee to stay at the podium after she took her vow to the city.

After telling Sims’ husband and children in the crowd, “You will always be welcome here,” Mayor Branscum pointed out Nicole Moe, who Sims is replacing.

“You let us know when your last meeting is because you are special,” Branscum said.

“I am very excited to be here,” Sims said of her recent start getting to know her peers. “I am excited to start work and in helping Marysville get to a really, really good future.”

Returning to the business, elected officials approved consent agenda items, all of which are considered routine, according to the mayor, calling one motion to approve all.

Item one approved the participation in the Feather River Air Quality Management District (FRAQMD) program to trade older gasoline/diesel equipment with electric or lower-emitting fuel equipment.

Before the program, surplus riding lawnmowers were auctioned and smaller, obsolete tools were discarded.  

“Public Works applied for this program to replace two chainsaws, one trimmer and one edger,” according to the staff report, noting the Feather River Air Quality Management District offers vouchers up to $15,000 for riding lawnmower trade-ins.

This time, the Public Works Department asked to trade in approved surplus equipment for new electric riding lawnmowers and small tools.

Consent Agenda item two entails a “not to exceed” $14,000 clause for purchasing a flail mower for the Parks Division of Public Works with remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

“Currently, mowing Riverfront Park requires the use of two mowers, two Publics Works staff, and a minimum of two days to finish,” the staff report reads. “Our existing flail mower has been red tagged, deemed unsafe and is beyond repair.”

The staff report notes the lowest bidder for the mower is $13,964 for a six- to 10-year life span.

The third consent agenda item also came with a not-to-exceed $8,500 clause for an emergency air conditioner for the Marysville Police Department 911 equipment and radio room, which failed multiple times this past year, especially in high temperatures.

“During a recent failure of the system, 911 calls had to be transferred to Yuba City Police Department,” according to a staff report. “Temporary cooling units were installed to help reduced the system from overheating but is still not optimal.”